Experian has ripped off hundreds of thousands of people by enticing them to get a so-called "Free Credit Report" and be signed-up and charged monthly for their so-called credit card fraud protection program unless subscribers cancel their enrollment within a period of time. The Federal Trade Commission fined Experian years ago for deceptive advertising and fraud. Now Experian is billing credit card holders for their so-called fraud protection program who never even requested a credit report. I was billed $14.95 for four months on one Citi credit card and one month for $14.95 & $19.95 on another Citi credit card without EVER having approached them for any of their so-called fraud protection services. This fraudulent undertaking can result in them making not millions, but billions of dollars from people who do not review their credit card statements carefully. How many millions of people are being billed monthly for $14.95 and $19.95 by Experian without realizing how they are being ripped off?