Chris M.'s review of WebMenu


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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 9/25/2009
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Review 9/25/2009
This company Webmenu has several other aliases that they use in the marketplace. These include WebMenu, Placement Today, Unique Placement, and . Essentially this company will promise top search engine rankings by using a iframe technology.They will tell you they have a family watch bar that over 1 million people use and that when they search in any engine for your keywords that you buy you will show up in an iFrame above the content. When you install the family watch bar it does display your site but no one uses the family watch bar. They also say that their family watch bar was featured on NBC's to catch a predator. We have contacted NBC and looked through their show transcripts and there is no mention of it. Their is however Family Watch Dog that was featured and is a totally different thing. These guys are scam artists! They will say that because the traffic is from an Iframe that it cannot be tracked with analytics. The traffic does track to analytics from but never does anything other than sit on the page. This type of bot can easily be programmed or bought on sites like To prove that the traffic was fake we changed the page that they displayed to a page that was giving away a free product with nothing to do but enter a name and address. With over 120k visitors not one signed up. One of their sales guys names is Jesse Goins. They will tell you to pay by certified check only so you can not do a chargeback when you find out they ripped you off. Also just like people mentioned above there is all kinds of rave reviews on junk sites around the web. This is simply their employees posting so that when people search and try to find out more info that is what comes up. Also as mentioned above their service sucks and the address on their site is not a real address. I was in Newport Beach recently and went to the address listed and it is fake. I also went to the 11712 Moorpark Street Suite 213 Studio City, CA 91604 address and there is no company there by any of the names above. I just looked and they actually took down the address off of their website. Funny how that works. I think everyone who has been ripped off by these people should join together in a class action and that these guys should be prosecuted for click fraud. That is my 2 cents. If you want to contact me you can at
Business's response - by John S.on 5/13/2010
You have made false and misleading statements Chris M. Webmenu has no affiliation with any of the organizations you have stated above nor does Webmenu have any other aliases. Our address on Moorpark was valid from 2000-2010. If you had really come to our building on Moorpark you would have seen our name on the directory and our suite number as 213 - Why didn't you stop by if you had come all this way? Surely, you would have been able to see that the information you had was incorrect. I have done some research for you ie Unique Placements. You are looking for Charles Lloyd and Ray Cahuenga also see BBB Chris M. has posted to ruin WebMenu's name when in fact WebMenu has nothing to do with his post or Unique Placements.
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Hours   24/7 Phone   (888) 502-4844 Address   11712 Moorpark Street, Suite 213
Studio City, CA 91604
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Contact   John Sloatman Other  
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