Brittany L.'s review of Snap Fitness

Snap Fitness

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 7/20/2010
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Review 7/20/2010
Snap fitness recently under new ownership as Super 5 Express Fitness is a total Fraud! My sister and I signed up about 3 months ago thinking that we would be treated with the utmost respect and would never expect a community gym to be capable of being so dishonest. When we originally signed up, the franchise owner Matt brought to our attention that they had two different payment plans. One being month to month to try it out and see if it was for us so we could quit anytime we choose to, OR a one year contract. We were unsure if it was going to fit into our schedule so we of course chose the month to month plan. We loved it because it was a 24 hr gym and we were never able to get a work out in until about 1 or 2am. But unfortunately recently they changed the hours of the gym from 7:00 to 11:00. This of course was not going to work for us. So we regretfully went in to cancel. Upon requesting to cancel they informed us that we were locked into a one year contract. We were shocked! We tried to explain to them that when we signed up we were told we would be paying month to month so that we could cancel at any time. The only thing that they could tell us was that we should have read the contract and fully understood it before signing, which is very true. Regardless we explained to them that we were unhappy about the recent changes in the service and that we find it unfair that they wont do anything to try and resolve this matter. When I asked to speak to the person (MATT) with whom we had originally opened our account with, and they simply said he was no longer employed there. At this point we let it go. I was truly so unhappy at this point I looked over the contract to see if there was anyway to bring justice peacefully to the matter, upon which I found a section stating that, "If any of the services or facilities described in this agreement become unavailable or are no longer fully operational, I am liable for only that portion that was available for the public to use while this agreement is in effect". It made perfect sense to my sister and I that indeed a service was no longer fully available which was the fact that the gym was no longer available to us 24 hrs(that was the only reason we joined in the first place). So at 8:00am Friday morning my sister and I went to the Hesperia location, we were helped by an employee by the name of Jerry. We pointed out this section in the contract and he explained to us that he agreed completely and that it made sense that we should no longer be bonded to this contract since the gym is no longer available to us 24 hrs. He then told us that there was nothing that he could do right then and we would have to come back on Monday morning he gave us his word that he would have this matter resolved "even if I had to step on some toes", he said. Upon returning Monday morning, what do you know he's not there. Even better the general manager was. We then showed him the same paragraph we had shown Jerry. He said that there's was nothing to be done other then to pay a termination fee of 150.00. When we asked why he wasn't going to honor what the contract clearly states he said, "the club is still here and available and everything is still operational, the hours are the only thing that have changed." From what I understand, we signed up for a 24hr gym, that gym is no longer operational 24 hours. How is this fair? I am prepared to fight this until I get the justice I deserve. I think it is absolutely wrong that he had tricked us into signing the contract in the first place but again it was our fault for not fully understanding everything in the fine print. But to deny what the contract states and to not honor it is another thing. My advise to you guys is to NOT trust these people and no matter which gym you decide to joint always make sure you READ the fine print.
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