Review 6/11/2010
I received the EverFlo stationary machine and the EverGo portable oxygen concentrator this morning. Previously, I was using a tank system because that was all my local oxygen supplier would allow me to have. This system did not allow me to travel and forced me to be confined to my home. I wasn't aware of any other option until my insurance agent stopped by to discuss new health plans and he showed me a brochure to Relief Health Services. My agent informed me that Relief would consult with me about my condition and try to find me a supplier who could possibly offer me a portable oxygen concentrator, which could grant me freedom to travel. Well, that's exactly what happened. I can now travel between Florida and Northern Michigan to visit my kids, which I haven't been able to since December of 2007. It's just great to feel the freedom that Relief Health Services has given me by finding me an oxygen supplier who actually understands my needs. Thank You.