Review 11/1/2009
This collection agency contaced me asking for a more that 300 dollar debt that I owe to Western Dental. I told them that WD was billing me since a long time ago with charges that I didn't owe. They failed to make an accurate estimation in may son's dental work. They said that may share was 40 dollars and that the insurance will cover the remaining expenses for the dental treatment. Two months later WD sent me a letter asking me to pay 260 dollars that I owe immediately because the insurance didn't pay. I call the insurance and they said my co-pay was 70 dollars; which means that I just owe 30 dlls out of the 40 already paid. I call WD and they said that they will do an audit to my account; two weeks later I received a letter asking for a different amount of money. I complaint again and again and they sent me to this collection agency; and they continue asking for the 300 dollar debt. I filed a grievance with WD and report online the issue to FTC. and finally WD resolve that I should pay 124.00 (30 dll + plus 10 dlls accrued of monthly fees) Tired I contacted the collection agency and they adjust the debt to 124 dlls. and they post a negative report in the credit bureu that is affecting my right to apply for credit.