Review 2/24/2011
I got a phone call from Kendell, Great guy, I have no complaints from him. He has seemed to be knowledgable, and does follow-ups well. I am also running it past my manager. If my associates do not want to do it a group, I was seriously thinking of trying your compnay out solo. But now, I am unsure with all of the complaints. I also understand that it is difficult to please everyone. However, what concern me is one of your responses to one of your complaints.
One of the complaints stated something about a guarentee, yet your response stated there is not one. Yet, I read on your website about that your company promises to have the business in the first 7 slots within 6 weeks or your account will not be charged until the buiness is in one of the first 7 slot... To me, that statement is the same thing as a guarentee...
This is verbatim from your website: Unlike other local Internet marketing companies who focus heavily on paid placement without a results promise…we promise that we can get you found within six weeks in local or organic search on top search engines, or you don’t have to pay anymore until we can! All while offering a fixed pricing structure, automated & clear reporting, hands-on customer service, and continuous submissions of updated content.
If this statement is not a guarentee, what is it?