Review 2/19/2010
Matchmaking vendor claimed they would identify carefully selected matches among its membership through previously successful scientific process and create communication opportunities between potential love interests. In one month, the vendor completely failed to provide any such service. Although certainly no one can guarantee a web site can find you love, there are two reasonable expectations upon purchase of such a service. One is a real possibility of communicating with other individuals. At a point of three weeks and no communication from any members (except for one member deleting me as a match), I did a quick analysis of the matches that the vendor provided and found only 10% had logged in to the vendor’s web site within the last month (55% had not logged into the web site in 3 months, 40% in 6 months). As of Feb 19, 2010, only 1 of the 54 provided matches had logged in since the beginning of 2010. Even then, I made an effort to specifically communicate on their web site with nine members, and never received a direct response from any member. (This also indicates a likelihood that the e-mails given to join the site for these inactive members are no longer in use by the members.) No member ever contacted me, despite my completing the vendor survey, giving personal info, and posting multiple pictures. In simplest terms, the vendor has a ridiculously insufficient active membership to have ever provided me with the service they claim, at least for the area of Orlando, Florida. The other reasonable expectation is that the vendor would use a filtering process given their claim to expertly match individuals, but being sent 54 matches in just over a month’s time speaks for itself as indication that the only possible restriction that had been applied to my “matches” is that they lived within the same geographic area. Furthermore, careful review of member profiles revealed no remotely significant qualities of any members as better “matches,” while in fact, many of the matches provided seemed very much mismatched.