Julie C.'s review of MySpace


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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 2/20/2009
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Review 2/20/2009
I really love MySpace and the freedom it gives in profile customization. I use 3 separate profiles (one personal, and two that are business related) on a daily basis. It allows me an opportunity to let people know who I am and details of my business, on their own terms. If they want to keep up with what is going on with me or my businesses they can friend me and use the Friend Updates at their own discretion. I don't have to attempt to force my business on people through pop-ups on other sites and such.

The only real problem that I have with MySpace is the hoards of teenage girls parading themselves half naked and "pretending" to be 5 to 10 years older than they are. Not only is it dangerous for them, but dangerous for people that they friend as well. There should be an age restriction for MySpace and users should have to validate their age through a DL or ID check of sorts like adult sites use. The ones who don't meet the age requirement could easily use one of the other websites that are more specifically geared to teenagers.
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (999) 999-9999 Address   407 North Maple Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Website   http://www.myspace.com Email   cvillegas@myspace-inc.com
Contact   Christina Villegas Other  
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