Review 11/4/2009
This company will allow you to download there games for free but after you do this and to get specific weapons you must use a paypal account to purchase what they call ncash , this company does absolutely nothing to people reported as cheating ingame through their report system , instead what they do is random banning of anyone with high score when this happens your supposed to start a 1:1 inquiry to get your account unbanned if you were banned for no reason . well they never answer the 1:1Inquiry's i waited 30 days along with posting in their forums and none of the GM's there can answer on why i was banned and then they keep your ncash/money and will not refund it , i also started a paypal dispute to try and get my money back and they have yet to respond to this also. long story short they will and can ban your account for nothing with no explanation and rip off your money you had put in from paypal !
The game was alot of fun for the few weeks i actually played but i highly doubt that even if they straighten this out by refunding my money and unbanning my account that i will ever play on there site again .
The only reason this company gets 1 star rating instead of 0 is becasue the game is fun when there are not cheaters in there and when you actually can log in . Dont waste your money here its a big mistake to do so !