L.A.P.D. loves Justus
Being a Homicide Detective for over (14) years, I have seen many faces in my experience as a police officer... I met Steven(Justus) at our annual L.A.P.D. At Youth Conference Summit where we have our at-risk-youths in the inner city discuss better making decision into being proactive in there community. During that conference Steven(Justus) spoke of his vision to give ex-cons a second chance to be productive with there lives and give back to there community. We at Parker Center wanted to be a part of this vision in started putting our resources together in helping Steven(Justus) in putting a referral program in the works.Well (5) years later we are still working with Steven in we are proud to be a part of the Green Protocol to a cleaner facility. Justus Cleaning Services has been a part of our Inner City Mentor program for over (4) years in has been a plus for our World Literacy Organization in maintaining a greener facility for our staff in clients. Thank you Justus for standing above in beyond The Call of Duty. We respect in honor your vision and producing jobs to those that deserve a second chance.Keep up the good work Justus. Detective Kim Jones, L.A.P.D.