Review 4/16/2010
I went to the web site for Memory 4 Less @ 7AM this morning and priced memory that I wanted (OCZ2P8008GK). The price was $300.22 including tax and shipping and the web site indicated that it was in stock. I returned to the web site @ 9:22AM (to order the product) and the price went up to $345.25, in just two hours and twenty-two mins. I called Memory 4 Less and asked why the price went up. I was told that it was not in stock and that the 'data team' had updated prices between 7AM and 9:22AM. I asked why and was told "This is the price now, but we do not have it in stock." I asked why it was marked on the site as in stock, and I was told the 'data team' would fix that "sometime soon" in the next update. It is disconcerting that they raise the price $45.03 in two hours, but they can not change the stock status in the same period of time. It would be helpful for the stock status, on the web site, to be accurate. It would be helpful if prices would remain the same within the same day. The web site should not allow you to put an item in the 'cart' and go through the purchase process for an item they do not have in stock.