Review 12/12/2010
Gary Lane is not the true owner of CPLS. It is Pepi Abad. Legally he cannot own a law firm because he is not an attorney so he is using Gary Lane as a front to perform his illegal business. He says he not connected with HOA or FHOA, but he is because Pepi is Gary's boss. Most workers are Spanish speaking. Their target clients are Hispanics and immigrants whose first language is not English.
Half of employees do not speak English because they are Illegal workers from Latin countries. This gives Pepi a leverage when they are not getting paid. They hesitate to complain to authorities because they lack valid documentations to work in the U.S.
CPLS and the new and improved CPAC (claiming to be non-profit) are both owned by Pepi Abad. This man should be investigated by the FBI not only for illegal activities but for hiring illegal workers.
Employees compose of approximately 50 intake telemarketers, 1 attorney - Gary Lane and 1 claiming to be a paralegal who prepares all the pleadings to their so called litigation cases. Maritza interview potential preys, promises foreclosure reversal but can't even spell the word litigation.
Beware people, no attorney works longer than a month. They are not a real law firm. It is just a front for scam. The building is a garage in the back. Go ahead and check it out. They cannot even afford to buy toilet paper.