As the other complaints stated, got a blocked call from some guy who said he was our toner guy and that he forgot to send the updated contract out to give my company the 30/60 day notice concerning our rates going up. He spoke so fast I couldn't get a word in. I too am new to the company I work for and had just ordered a new toner from our right vendor a couple days before, so I thought since I had done that, they were calling to give me a "deal". Received the shipment today and immediately called IDCServco to have the shipment returned. The man (Michael O'Shay) at that company was VERY helpful and told me that I was not the 1st person that had this happen to them. What is so frustrating to me is the fact that the original guy was such a jerk and over talked me and I couldn't get a word in. I knew something wasn't right, but against better judgement, I said ok. Boy do I feel stupid today!!