Review 5/25/2011
Banana Hobby is the worst company I ever had the displeasure of contacting. They will downright steal your money right out of your hand and you will have no chance of recovering it. I had a neighbor recently make an RC aircraft purchase from Banana Hobby. The plane had 2 bad aileron servos right out of the box. I spent 90 minutes contacting them in an Internet chat only to be told I would have to email a picture of the damage. After getting no reply to my pictures, I tried another chat that lasted 3 hours. In those 3 hours Banana hobby informed me that I damaged the airplane assembling it. Search the Internet and the company has a history of blaming consumers for the defective products they sell. DO NOT LET THE FLASHY WEBSITE FOOL YOU. THESE PEOPLE ARE THIEVES. IF YOU DO BUSINESS WITH THEM YOU WILL BE SORRY. Search the Internet for all the proof you need. You have been warned.