Airport Van Rental farsely advertises.
Airport Van Rental falsely advertises. Its webpages clearly state that "we will beat any confirmed reservation by 5%."
I originally made a reservation with Airport Van Rental for a one week use of a minivan as Airport Van Rental was the cheapest available minivan at that time. I then recently made a confirmed reservation with Thrifty.com for a minivan for the same time period for a rental rate, with all taxes, fees and airport charges included, that was over $35.00 less than the total cost on my Airport Van Rental reservation.
I call Airport Van Rental to request that the rate on my existing reservation be adjusted to a rate that was 5% less than the rate on my confirmed Thrifty.com rental reservation. I was advised I had to send an email making the request. I sent the email with the Thrifty.com confirmation and the reservation number of my Airport Van Rental confirmed reservation in which I requested the rate to be adjusted.
I received an email response from Airport Van Rental that they did not have any minivans available for the relevant dates. I then sent a second email again advising of my existing reservation with Airport Van Express and requested again that the rate on that reservation be adjusted to a rate that is 5% less than the rate on the Thrifty.com reservation. I received a response stating that my confirmed reservation had to be with Advantage Car Rental not Thrifty.com.
Airport Van Rental's failure to comply with their advertised guarantee of beating any confirmed reservation by 5% should be a strong indication that this company is not trustworthy and that a renter should be wary of doing business with this company.