Review 11/1/2009
On October 21, 2009 I placed a $5000.00 certified check down as a good faith deposit for an RV at this location. The next day(October 22nd) I called U.S. bank and found out I was denied credit and also learned that the owner or representative of ADVENTURE RV LLC had illegally and unethically, deposited my check. I later talked to him on the phone and he became beligerent and angry when he learned the deal was not going to go through. When I demanded a refund of my money he said he was unable to write me a refund check until the following week. I have a receipt from ADVENTURE RV LLC for the amount of money I deposited. No agreements were signed or executed between myself and ADVENTURE RV LLC. In spite of my telephone calls and emails I have not received a refund of my down payment, nor have I been contacted by the defendant.